Sunday, August 17, 2008

Get your laugh on... with Allison

I feel very strongly about the effects of addiction on individuals and their families. I silently weep when I see anyone - from a rich kid who overdoses on cocaine to a homeless man passed out on the street next to a bottle of MD 20/20 - suffering from the clutches of addiction.

That said, you have to check this bitch out. She is, to use the parlance of the times, batshit fucking crazy. She's addicted to inhalants. To be specific, the "canned air" duster one might use to clean the Cheetos out of a keyboard.

I tried this stuff once. I was 19 and I wouldn't have thought to do it until I read on the bottle that it could be bad for you. You can't tell a teenager not to do specific shit, because they'll do exactly what you tell them not to do.

Pull up a loved one and a bowl of popcorn... and click the arrow in the center of the YouTube item below.


gooch... you are the biggest fucking asshole on the planet.

people... i'm only the product of my environment.

gooch... that's a thinly veiled excuse for doing whatever you want without suffering the consequences.

people... you don't know what it's like to be me. i have to be this way. i have to balance out the universe.

gooch... you have to be somewhere in 10 minutes and you haven't showered. you're definitely late. this dialogue has to stop.

people... fuck... thanks, we'll continue this later.

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