Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year... Indeed.

Me, passed out just after midnight.

Gooch. The saga continues...

Last night was an epic journey including a slow dance, Papa Murphy's pizza, a strip club, a friend's house, and the following types of alcohol:

Home brewed beer (thanks Delvis)
Sailor Jerry's spiced rum

I passed out and when I awoke, there was a camera next to me. I did what anyone else would do: I took out the card, hooked up a card reader that was in my car, started the upload of pictures of myself being molested to an ftp site, and headed out for some grocery shopping.

Oh, and threw up.

My phone died sometime before the new year. Thank God for GPS, otherwise I wouldn't have made my way to Marty's house (where I passed out). I think it should be legal to drink and drive if you have a GPS.

I'm curbing my gluttonous ways. I've put my personal finances on a pirated copy of Quicken. I'm keeping track of cash expenditures. I'm also restricting the diet. I'm so disgusted with myself that I actually turn myself off. I wont even give myself a tug at this point.

I've got a day date today. have to clean the house and maybe try to vomit again before she arrives.

It's so awesome being me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SKANKY--But really, who's the dude blowing you?