Saturday, January 03, 2009

Resolution Pollution

I was asked about what my NYE resolutions were during breakfast yesterday. My overall resolve is to make 2009 suck way, way less than 2008. I plan on making more money. I plan on riding my bicycle again. I want to be a better soccer player. I want to drink less and sleep more. I want to eat less and run more. I want to move out of 97060.

Unfortunately, my immediate soccer plans may be derailed. The inflateable dome in which my league plays succumbed to the ice during "Arctic Blast 2008." Here's some pictures:



This sucks. I was looking forward to playing again. This is like the Hindenburg without the humanity.

In other news, I've installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 Beta on my Virtual PC. Checking it out. Fun stuff. It could be the future of computing... or the birth of Linux as the next mainstream OS.

Anyways... I'm high off caffeine. Gonna go do stuff. It's hard getting up at the crack of 2pm.


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