Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A glimpse into the inside of a uterus.

Apparently they've combined sorcery and radiation to invent 4D ultrasounds of babies.

When did this technology come into play? I've been too busy fighting paternity suits and simulating the baby making process to actually think about the gestation/birth of the little bastards (or the technology involved in seeing them before they're born).

So on Facebook (on which I'm a full fledged update-posting douchey member), my friend posted a picture of 4D (I would have called it '3D' as 4th dimension clearly denotes time travel [full disclosure: I suck at math]) ultrasound of her baby. Holy shit! I mean, he looks like that dancing baby from the 90s, but more realistic.

They should make a cartoon called "SuperFetus." His weapon would be an attached umbilical cord (but disconnected from the Mother, that's what makes him 'super') that he uses as a whip and his arch nemesis would be "CoatHanger Man."


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