Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Miss White Trash 2001 - UPDATE

So young. So full of ambition. And tongue. Yes, tongue makes this picture work.

In 2001, I wrote an article about an event at the Ash Street Saloon. It was hosted by the band Jesus Presley and called the "Miss White Trash Pageant." The winner of the pageant was a girl named Laura.

I've maintained a friendship with Laura over the years and I touched base with her recently. She told me that "Jerry Springer Show" producers called her recently to guest on an upcoming show with a "white trash" theme (what a departure from their usual programming). She declined, stating that it was "eight years ago" and not really "who I am now."

She's still a chick I want to bang, and she's still a chick that won't let me bang her. As you see, some things have stayed the same in eight years.

She told me that she lost my article that I wrote some eight years ago. Here it is, a Gooch Classic:

MWT2K1: A Love Story

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