Friday, April 09, 2010

My Prediction: Gooch

I watched the final training montage/fight of Rocky III last night. Was there ever a villain better than Mr. T? Some of the best lines (clearly crowbarred in to the script) ever. "I pity the fool," "My prediction: pain." When Rocky and Clubber Lange get into the mid-round brawl and Lange's corner crew has to hold him back while he screams like a caged bear... fucking brilliant. I cheered him on.

What was Rocky's movie-fight strategy? Let Lange beat on him for three rounds, to tire him out, then beat him up? Taking about 200 punches to the head and body, getting knocked down twice... that's a fight strategy? I'm going to have to go with the eggplant on this one (shitty Italian joke, never mind).


I've been informed that the audio post from bed was creepy. I'll try to not make them sound like the rant of a man about to strap a dynamite vest (would be a cool band name) to his chest and visit a day care center.


For absolutely no reason whatsoever...

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