Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Club Baby Seals

I watched IFC/Fred Armisen's sendup of Portland, OR: "Portlandia." I liked it. I don't think it was as "spot on" as people give it credit for and some of the bits weren't that funny. And... I'm not sure that it has appeal outside of Portland Metro. However, it was funny and seemed pretty Portland accurate (although I've never heard any one make reference to Portland's "North side").

On Facebook, someone suggested "Greshamia," a similar show based on Gresham, the blue collar eastern suburb of Portland. I posted the followup comment.

Greshamia: Where single moms go to retire. Everyone works in a bar at some point, no matter what their educational tract or previous occupation may have been. People smoke while riding bicycles. Greshamia: Where video poker lounges will cash state unemployment checks. Where cover bands are king; why write your own songs when Thin Lizzy and Cheap Trick have already written the best songs ever? Gresham: the answer to the question asked most in high school spanish class: "where am I going to use this?"
The last one was a bit wordy. I'll work on that. Anyway: Greshamia could be even more obscure, really. Ah, an idea that will live only in my head. Where I primarily live. Off to read more Klosterman, drink more coffee, and take more nap.


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