Now it's time for...
F.requently A.sked Q.uestions
Through my work in Jam Magazine and my appearances on a few cable access shows here in Portland, OR, this website has gotten plenty of publicity. Consequently, I've been asked a lot of questions about the site and myself. As my activities show an obvious desire for attention, these inquiries are flattering. However, I've put together this FAQ list to help those who are interested.
Where did "Gooch: The Column" come from?
When I was in high school, the school paper was going to let someone have their own regular column. Myself and Mike Henry, a guy with whom I had mutual friends but didn't know very well both wanted to do a column. Mike and I needed to name the column and we called it "Gooch and Mike: The Column," as if the two of us were some sort of institution and this column was merely one facet of an immense operation. I don't remember exactly why.
After high school I didn't express any interest in writing until my second try at college in 1998. I saw an ad for an opinion columnist wanted at the Portland State University newspaper, The Vanguard. I met with the editor and he let me have my own column, which I called "Gooch: The Column." The editor suggested that I name my column something like "Any Last Words," since my first submission was such an angry and pointed rant. I kept the name because I didn't want the column to be pigeon holed into one particular theme.
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Four pieces of toast with butter and cheese whiz. For dessert, A cinnamon roll with frosting
Do you often have dessert with Breakfast?
Yes. It's the most important meal of the day.
To what do you attribute your weight problem?
I think it's glandular.
How did you end up on the contoversial and long running Jim Spagg cable access show?
I published a column in September that discussed my favorite television shows of different genres. I wrote about a cable access show that caught my attention one night. The host of that show, Harry Lime, invited me to appear on the next episode. After that appearance the producers of Lime's show invited me to come to Jim Spagg's show. That show aired on 9/13/01 and I didn't really (actually, no one but Spagg) feel like putting on a 'funny' show in light of the terrorist attack that occured two days earlier. I appeared on that show and just plugged the upcoming issue of Jam Magazine, which was accepting essays from the general public on the topic of the attack.
I saw you on Spagg on September 27. What did you think of the people that were picking on you?
I think I spend enough time making fun of myself that other people doing it doesn't really bother me. In fact, it is expected that if you appear on the Spagg show, people will call in and mess with you. I mean, you're standing next to Jim Spagg for chrissakes.
What did you think of your appearance of 9/27?
Honestly, I was stiff as hell at first. Nervous, didn't know what I was saying. I threw out a few good jokes but ultimately I'll chalk that show up to experience earned. Live TV without a script is goddamned hard. Spagg is the master of that genre - he and his producers make it look way too easy.
Do you regret what you said about putting a picture of your penis on your website and click on it to donate to the Red Cross?
I regret that people thought that I was being disrespectful to that organization. I was just making reference to all of the websites that have some sort of link to donate money to some relief organization. My Mom is currently at "ground zero" doing work for the Red Cross and I'm very proud of her.
The show on 9/27 revealed some long toenails...
Yes, they've been cut.
What's in the future for you in television?
I think Spagg needs a female co-host. He has a great show but my personality and sense of humor somewhat don't fit in. I'm honored to have been on the show as a co-host, but I certainly think someone else would be better. The producers know that I'll help them in any way I can.
I've started a dialogue between myself and a few video-savvy people in starting a show of our own. It's still in the feasability study phase, but it's possible that a few of us will put together a show of our own.
You get a ton of CDs from national and regional acts. What's in your CD Players right now?
"When I was Beautiful" by Stereo Crush and "Subjugate" by DFiVE9.
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