Wednesday, September 26, 2001

Went to the Pledge of Allegiance show last night with System of a Down, Slipknot, No One, Rammstein (and probably one or two I've forgotten) performing. It was a five-and-a-half hour show, which is more hours in the day than most of the kids in the audience typically work.

Rammstein, the German techno-death metal group scared the shit out of me. It's not that they set themselves on fire, or sing with a hellish growl, or use a keyboard-synthesizer, it's that everything spoken in the German language sounds fucking evil.

I feel this way, I think, because the only Germans I ever see are Nazis in movies. This is a horrible stereotype, kind of like the Arab Americans and the Taliban. However, anyone who's watched or read "Anne Frank" knows what I'm talking about.

To prove my point, I looked up a few German words in my German-to-English dictionary and was shocked by what I found:

Fahrvergnugen: Is that a gold tooth in your mouth?
Gutentag: Where are your papers?
Gesundheit: No, really, it's a shower.
Rammstein: Rose petals in a pond

Creepy stuff. Hey! Watch Channel 11 (Portland Cable Access)tomorrow night as I'll be appearing on the Spagg show again. Hopefully, I'll be funny this time.

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