Wednesday, October 16, 2002

I'm ten minutes away from vomiting over all my office from the goobernatorial [i did that on purpose] ads in heavy rotation on TV. Commercials that are scripted like "I'm a single, working mother. Candidate X would raise my taxes. I can't afford that. Candidate X hates working moms. " Or something to that effect. It's a sniper attack to my sanity, a car bomb in the night club in my brain. Can someone draw up a ballot measure to eliminate bad election ads?

If my website has slowed lately, it's due to the rebuilding of my media archives through KaZaa. I'm working on the South Park archives now. I got the "Scott Tenorman Must Die" episode, which is to me the greatest South Park of all time. If you want to know why I'm rebuilding my archives, check the latest log in GoochRadio. It requires Real Player, which I don't have anymore because it crashes my machine. I'm going to swich to Windows Media soon, being that I'm a Microsoft guy and all.

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