Sunday, October 13, 2002

You know what it's like when you crave Taco Bell and someone shows up at your house with a ten-pack of tacos? (Holy shit, I'm so fat that I'm making food analogies). You know what I mean... you crave something and it (as if by) magic appears. That's how I felt when I saw RED DRAGON tonight. With all of this East Coast sniper shizzo happening, I needed a good psychopath-killer film. A lot of people don't know that Red Dragon is a remake of MANHUNTER, which I hope to rent soon. Manhunter was written and directed my Michael Mann, so you know it looks like a two-hour episode of Miami Vice. I saw Manhunter some ten years ago, so I need to rent it. There are some anachronisms in Red Dragon... look for a reference to a quick DNA analysis in the film, which was set in 1980. I'm pretty sure that DNA wasn't so widely used in '80. Email me if I'm wrong.

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