Friday, October 18, 2002

It's All Bullshit!!! - CNN: Sniper tips are bogus.

Meanwhile, I believe I've found the sniper. He was right under my nose and I never suspected a thing. Michael "YMike" Yatabe. Remember when I said that the sniper's name is likely named Michael and that's why he's choosing Michael's craft store locations? You know how the sniper van is likely a white Chevy Astro Van with lettering on the side?

Michael "YMike" Yatabe's band van and alleged getaway vehicle.

Motive, you ask? Publicity for his band's new album. According to YMike's website, the new DFiVE9 CD arrived today. I've already bought 10 tickets for the CD release party. Maybe YMike will be able to play bass at the show while wearing shackles and I'm counting my half-million-dollar reward money.

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