Thursday, May 29, 2008

Like a tractor beam to the Millenium Falcon, I was drawn to Montego's after the soccer game, after the post game drinking last night. I went to visit Ryan (Q-Ball) who helped me develop a plan for the best T-shirt ever (that's right... a capital T shirt). We laughed our asses off, I drank more, I introduced myself to someone I've met several times in the past, drank more, and woke up here. In my house.

I need adult supervision.

I need a nap.



Anonymous said...

At least you woke up in your house. Not in your car. After driving it through a barbed wire fence. While sleeping. Tee hee....

I would offer to be your adult supervision, but being that I am only cleverly disguised as an adult to begin with, I think that I would just cause more problems. KG

picturegirl503 said...

OK. Now I want to comment again because I actually went and created a Google Identity.... :)