Wednesday, November 24, 2010

[some song lyric or a name someone called me]

(Anatomy of a Post)

[random provocative/hot chick picture here]

[salutation involving whatever noun pops in my head. "minions," "followers," "rebels," etc.]

[half assed attempt at content that will be generally interesting to people that don't know me. Ideas that are too foul for social media are relegated to this blog. I think people that know me have moved from this to Facebook and Twitter for my personal goings on. Which is great, because I feel like I can rub out masturbation jokes without worrying about family members peeping in.

Get it? "rub out?"

This is the basement. Whatever coherent thought about anything that comes to mind gets put in semi-long form on this page. Like my cock: average sized and not life changing.

Posts at 11:11 am/pm are amazingly irrelevant. A good rule of thumb: The hotter the chick, the weaker the content.]

[ending quote, usually Ice Cube or Dr. Dre. Or me. Because I'm gangster.]

[signature: usually "goochout," or a derivative]

Really? a cock joke? [if I think I wrote something stupid or a joke that wasn't funny, I sometimes don't delete it. Instead, I address it here with a character called "self hating/berating self." I do it with smaller type. It's a comedic device sometimes referred to as a "call back."]

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