Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Best subject line in an email I received today: "White Trash Girls are Easiest to Fuck of All the American Women."

If that's the case, then Gresham's my fucking Mecca. Hey... it's the Gooch... and I'm drunk!. I'm 1/8th, or .125 Irish... and my blood alcohol content is also .125. Coincidence? Nope!. So off to Kell's I went tonight with some friends. I wanted to have sex with every person in the party tent. Then, I wanted to have sex with the girls there, too. What a party. I haven't partied like that since the 7th grade. I'm single as hell, but I like a girl and her coworkers were there, so I limited myself to merely being a complete, disgusting pig and not going so far as to getting maced. I must have worked a full six hours today. I guess I'm sleeping in tomorrow. I have yet to get an unemployment check from the State... maybe unemployment payments are only a myth perpetuated by the white man. Maybe I'm a myth perpetuated by the white man. I forgot to call in for my local Dominoes pizza tonight, like I do every Monday. What the hell am I going to do for breakfast tomorrow?

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