Thursday, August 21, 2003

Whoa... I'm about to make 20,000 hits on this site. This is a landmark in that I managed to get four people to hit the refresh button 5000 times each. Actually, the counter doesn't allow the same IP address to count more than once a day. Or something, I have no idea. Kudos to me, I guess. This site is coming up on four years of existence. Holy crap.


OK, Fox, maybe you should sue me.

What really sucks about this mass emailing worm, the Sobig.FU.whatever, is that my cell phone has an email address and is beeping every few seconds with a new message telling me to "see the attached document." What a nuisance. If you have a computer and value your data, I can only recommend that you visit the Symantec Antivirus Resource Center every day.

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