Thursday, December 04, 2003

I noted my state last night as being "drunk." Truth is, I'd had two drinks but eleven hours of travel time and little sleep the night before rendered me effectively inebriated. I got some nine hours sleep last night and am much better now. Good enough that I'm able to type this on a Macintosh without getting confused (Macs are like Kryptonite to me).

This place (Miami) does look like Vice City from the Grand Theft Auto games. Lots of neon, scooters, prostitutes, and taxis.

I've got some ironing to do. I got my luggage last night and it must have stayed out in the rain for a while. Fucking baggage handlers. Don't get me started on the airlines (read columns in the 'columns' section for my thoughts on air travel).

Anyone with that server space for me? Lots of people emailing me with requests to see the Paris Hilton video, no one emailing me willing to help out. They all got their cups but they ain't chipped in" - Snoop Doggy Dogg

Gooch: In Miami.

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