Friday, December 05, 2003

Me on the steps of the Versace Mansion, drinking a beer, where Gianni Versace was stabbed to death.

Gooch and Mike in Miami.

I posted those pictures last night. It's 10:50am, EDT, and I just woke up. Mike and I are watching Miami Vice and comtemplating hitting the Florida Keys. I'm drinking a bottle of S. Pellegrino. Went went to a few clubs last night. I got pretty loaded. Every guy around here looks like a goddamned body builder. I even saw a handicapped guy with bigger arms than me. Shit. I've got to get back into the gym. Crockett is comforting Tubbs over the death of someone and Tubbs is becoming a vigilante or something. I don't know... you can't just start watching an episode of Miami Vice halfway through; you'll get fucking lost quick. Where's my pants and my pomade... I've got to get the fuck off this computer. Gooch: well hung (over).

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