Sunday, July 11, 2004

Return of Tanman.

I spent a couple of hours laying out by the condo pool. My face is now soaked in aloe vera like some sort of green, soothing money-shot has coated my face. I look up the UV index on, as though I know what the fuck a UV index is and how it may pertain to my tanning experience. By the way, it's 80 degrees right now in Troutdale with a UV index of 2.

Scoping Star Wars Episode III on and while Jar-Jar Binks is back in the film (hopefully to meet a tortured, painful death), James Earl Jones appears to have been tapped to voice Darth Vader again. Fucking sweet... fresh Vader in 2005. One more reason to go on living.

Alcohol is like aspirin for the heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did they mention how Hayden Christensen makes the transformation from a whiny little teenage girly-boy into an eight foot tall cybernetic sith lord with the voice of a black asthmatic man?

Just curious.

Oh yeah - and a higher number on the UV Index means that your annual summer transformation into Ray Liotta will occur more swiftly than usual.