A couple of nights in a row. can't seem to sleep. Last night I watched a mini-marathon of Cheaters. I think that show is rotting my brain. I'm addicted, though. It's like meth for evil voyeurs. There was probably a better simile for that, but my brain is swimming with bad television and red wine.
I've started not knowing what time it is. Not figuratively... literally. I'm constantly surprised that it's a certain time. I was at a bar and didn't know it was 2am until people started leaving. I didn't know that I'd left my house at 12:38am to go out for a drink. I had to be reminded to leave the office at 5pm. For the last few days, it hasn't occurred to me to look at a watch or clock. And I'm surrounded by them. I was almost OCD when it came to looking knowing what time it was at any moment. My broken internal clock isn't even right twice a day.
I hooked up a high def receiver to the upstairs television. Looks sweet. I might watch the new Entourage again. I want to go to some beach some where and just live there. I worry about too many things.
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